No cooking involved. This recipe is for busy people looking for an easy recipe; great for fish lovers, even those a bit skeptical of sardines. This recipe...
I learned about butterfish in Saratoga, California at the Race Street Market where I first tried it. I wouldn't eat fish as a child and am very particular...
Super-fast entree that tastes like you spent time in the kitchen. Light, crisp flavors of lime and dill say 'summertime' even if you grill this in the...
This sandwich toast is both fruity and fishy. The uncanny meeting of the ingredients for the filling of this sandwich toast should definitely be watched...
This baked fish is easy to make and busting with flavor. Fillets are seasoned with garlic pepper, then bathed in a spicy red pepper and horseradish sauce,...
This baked fish is easy to make and busting with flavor. Fillets are seasoned with garlic pepper, then bathed in a spicy red pepper and horseradish sauce,...
This is a SUPER EASY AND FAST not to mention CHEAP and NO MESS way to make a beer batter for your fresh fish while camping. Using only beer, your freshly...
Served with a wedge of lemon and your favorite condiment, this dish is sure to please. Another way to get fiber into your diet. Serve with a wedge of lemon...
This dish uses oranges with haddock which is a change from most dishes that use lemon with fish or seafood. It's a nice refreshing change. It pairs well...
Basa is a mild white fish. This recipe is very quick to make. I serve it with a side of coconut rice to use up the rest of the coconut milk in the can...
This is a great dish for any firm fish, including tuna and halibut. Since the dish relies heavily on the quality of tomatoes, it is best made in August...
This makes a good presentation served on either salad greens or mashed potatoes but is also very tasty. When red fish is not available I've used grouper...
I've always loved green curries, but until a recent visit to Al's Place I'd never thought of using fresh, sweet peas as the base. It was amazing, and after...
I love perch. I love everything about them--the sweet, delicate flavor, the striking coloration, and the stubborn fight they put up for their size. The...
Serve these New Orleans-inspired famous 'po-boy' sandwiches for lunch or dinner and enjoy crispy air-fried white fish topped with chipotle coleslaw served...
Serve these New Orleans-inspired famous 'po-boy' sandwiches for lunch or dinner and enjoy crispy air-fried white fish topped with chipotle coleslaw served...
Serve these New Orleans-inspired famous 'po-boy' sandwiches for lunch or dinner and enjoy crispy air-fried white fish topped with chipotle coleslaw served...
Serve these New Orleans-inspired famous 'po-boy' sandwiches for lunch or dinner and enjoy crispy air-fried white fish topped with chipotle coleslaw served...
In Northern New York we like our sharp Cheddar cheese. Other cheeses may work well too. This is great served with a pasta side dish or steamed veggies...
For all of the seafood lovers who don't want to eat rich, fat food. This one is for you...velvety and tasty. Try serving with some warm crusty bread, if...
Breaded fried anchovies Italian recipe, a crispy and greedy dish made with cleaned fresh anchovies, battered by dipping in beaten eggs, breaded with homemade...
Deviled fish, a Sri Lankan style, fish stir fry with chunks of tuna or sail fishs combined in a spicy sauce. Also mixed into this are wedges of onion,...
The wine evaporated before cooking the fish gives it a very particular caramelized wine taste and doesn't need any sauce with it. Goes very well with any...
Speckled trout baked in a white wine-capers sauce. This recipe will work with trout, grouper, or any solid white fish. So easy and delicious. Serve with...
The coconut oil gave it it great light taste! My husband said it was the best fish! You can use tilapia too, just cut down the cooking time as it's a much...
I love orange roughy. This is a nameless recipe I just came up with using things I had on hand. It is made in a skillet, but no frying here. If you wish...
This is a superb entree that won't break the bank and is so easy to prepare. Your guests will love it. I usually use monkfish, which has a lobster-like...
This dish uses oranges with haddock which is a change from most dishes that use lemon with fish or seafood. It's a nice refreshing change. It pairs well...
Basa is a mild white fish. This recipe is very quick to make. I serve it with a side of coconut rice to use up the rest of the coconut milk in the can...
Basa is a mild white fish. This recipe is very quick to make. I serve it with a side of coconut rice to use up the rest of the coconut milk in the can...
I've always loved green curries, but until a recent visit to Al's Place I'd never thought of using fresh, sweet peas as the base. It was amazing, and after...
Cod fillets with fresh and sun-dried tomatoes in a creamy sauce with zucchini. Serve with cooked mixed vegetables (such as carrots and peppers) if a low-carb...
The wine evaporated before cooking the fish gives it a very particular caramelized wine taste and doesn't need any sauce with it. Goes very well with any...
This is something a friend of mine showed me. It's super easy, not to mention delicious. I try to eat according to the paleolithic diet and this fits wonderfully....